Friday, February 1, 2013

Walking Tall and Loved

Walking Tall and Loved

"Walk tall and proud…keep your chin up…be confident…it’s attractive"
…words of the world around me.

Isaiah speaks over and over of the sin of study for this year.

Should Christians walk tall?  Yes!

Should they walk proud? Yes!  and  No!

Yes:  proud that they Know and are Loved and Forgiven by the One
who created all good things         
who gives all good things
 who is GOOD.

No:  there can be no pride in self…even of making right choices, doing right, walking right. 

So I’m reminded to walk Tall and Loved…in the presence of my EVERYTHING.

1 comment:

  1. "Walk Tall and Loved" ... it sounds like a mantra to me. :)
