Friday, February 22, 2013

Regurgitating Vomit

Regurgitating Vomit

Our youngest daughter has been sent home once a week for vomiting at school the past few weeks...and she would have today if school hadn't been cancelled.  We don't know why this weekly event has occurred, other than maybe she gets a "bug" that comes on suddenly...a lot of sickness going around the community lately. 

Today's experience tops it all.  I had asked her to try one bite of toast, thinking maybe her upset tummy was a result of hunger.  Although she didn't want to, she did so out of sweet obedience.  Upon seeing that she really didn't look great, I reneged on her having to eat any more and asked her to go sit on the kitchen floor for a minute while I ran upstairs to locate sheets to cover what would become the "sick couch" for the day.  When I returned with the sheets, she had already "lost her toast"...or so I thought...on the floor.  I cleaned up the mess, wiped off her face, and then watched her begin chewing.  "It's the bite of toast you asked me to eat," she replied to my asking her what could possibly be in her mouth after throwing up all over the floor. 

I laughed and exclaimed, "Wow, that's pretty amazing.  You savored that piece of toast and ate it after flavored with vomit."  Since "savor" is my word for Lent this year, I had to laugh.  Definitely not the kind of savoring I had in mind.

Isn't that life though?  Don't we hang on to stuff we shouldn't, let it get "tastier" and swallow it back down...only for it to come up again?  Hurt, bitterness, hate, resent, dissatisfaction, etc.  Sin has a way of doing that...bringing itself back up in one ugly form or another. 

So my lesson for today is to not follow the example of my daughter.  Following her sweet obedience is good.  But I should choose not to hold on to bits of savor sin...and swallow it to be saved for later.  Sin needs to be purged from our lives...once and for all!

1 comment:

  1. I love the connection you made at the end. So glad I got to "hear" this story and then read it.

    I'm even more glad you are starting to collect bits of your life. I'm hoping you jump into the March Slice of Life Challenge. Even if you don't make it the entire month, you'll be glad for the days you do write. :)
